Monday, August 3, 2009

I've been thinking

So I thought that this would be something I could write in daily, maybe weekly but it sure hasn't turned out that way. Well I think that I have come to realize something, or better yet understand something. People (in general) don't care what happens to other people, and do you know how tragic that is? I think that humanity has been built on caring about what happens to other people, I don't feel like listing examples because really there are way to many to list. Now let me be clear on something when I say "caring" I do mean caring in any way whether it's to concerned enough about them to go blow them up, or go and save some of thier lives.... And now this world is a fucking breeding ground for people who could give two shits. Now I'm sure all of you are saying "Well why should we be concerned?" The better question is "Why shouldn't you?" People can only go as far as they can go before they need someone to help them, even if it's as small as borrowing a extension cord.
At the root of this thinking it really boils down to this... We need each other, and the sad part is most people don't even see this. If you think I am a pussy and being to over sensitive thats fine... but keep this in mind if you DO think this, then you fall into the EXACT thinking I'm talking about! People wander around this small planet we call earth and think that they are the masters of thier own destiny and that nothing can or "Will" happen to them or anyone that they know. I used to think like this, but what would be the point of life if we weren't meant to interact on a very intimate level? I just think that people have lost there way, maybe it's me getting a little older. I think that most people think that the reverse is supposed to happen as you get older, but for me I have been the opposite, and I think I'm happy with that. I mean lets be honest here why would people go to college if they thought that they could just be a doctor, or they could just go in and pass the "Bar Exam" if people could do this on thier own the there wouldn't be any point to anything. So I guess i'm trying to say that we need each other, even in the smallest of doses. Be nice to each other, why not? What's it really going to hurt.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Second One

So where did we leave off? I think we left off at Rally's... Yes, we were getting to the point where I was going reveal how I figured out that Jason Ryan did not hate me after all. And that came shortly after I talked about them asking me to close. So I came to understand that when Jim the manager at the time, had told me I was being sent home so often because I could only make sandwiches. So with that offer to learn to close I also had to learn to run the register. And let me tell you what, if you have never worked fast food that doesn't mean anything to you. But if you have you know that once you know how to operate it, you spend a fucking eternity there. So at this time I was in 9th grade and after moving here out of junior high, I was really having a hard time making friends. It was really that whole culture shock thing, I mean at the time in Michigan baggy pants were still in style, and leaving the tag on a hat. And now looking back it was really the high point I'd say for Hip Hop in the last 20 years. It was everywhere, and I come here and am floored. Kids were very different. I was sorta in limbo, and what I mean is before moving to Arizona I had very little interest in sports, or anything for that matter. Maybe playing guitar was in there somewhere but for the most part my parents never encouraged me to do anything, so when we got here they saw the hard time I was having. My dad got me to try out for Intramural basketball. But I'm getting off the point here I'll get back to that. I did learn to operate the register, sadly I got to be a bit to good. And from there that was all I did, we would close the store at 10pm and it normally took about an hour and a half to close everything down. Back to school at 8 ish or whatever time it started at then. So extend that time frame out for a 16 year old it wears you down fast. I never really made good grades anyway, but now they went to shit. Failing every class I had. I went to working until 9, which did help. I got my grades back in line well as good as they were going to get. While working there many many many things happened to me. This is about the time my parents tried to exercise their power over me. I was working full time, the school year was over and I was working all I could. They told me that I needed to cut my hours back and focus on the up coming school year. Which now looking back this was my parents last ditch effort to reel me in, sadly it failed terribly. I had become friends with a few guys from my neighbor hood and wasn't hearing any of it. I was playing basketball everyday and working and that was the extent of my first summer that I was working I should say. Well stick around there is a lot more coming.

Friday, November 28, 2008

First Serious One

So, where to begin? Isn't that the question we all pose to one another when we start something we know is going to last for awhile? My name is Tyler Fox Bowie, I am a 29 year old male who is married with two dogs. My life has been a sad mockery of responsibility, let me enlighten you. At the tender age of 16 my parents took out a credit card from Sears in my name. Now the reason they did this was very simple, that had torn thier credit to shreds and now had the intentions to do the same to mine before I was legal to do it to myself. At that age I had no idea how important of a role credit plays in an adults life, I had got my first job at Rally's Hamburgers. Sadly enough Rally's would later be bought out by C.K.E better know as Carl's Junior, but that is much later in the story. With money in my pocket I felt like king of the world, no need for mom and dad now. Why did I have to answer to them now? They weren't paying for me; holding my hand, bathing me, any of the shit you would relate to being a kid. At least that is what I thought, the first incident I had at showing my poor judgement was when I was offered to start closing at work. I had got the shaft for a long time there but... it had seemed that things were starting to look up for me. There were 3 managers at the store Jim Bitticks, Savuka Ware, and Jason Ryan. Jason was the training manager and I was under the impression that he hated me for the simple fact that everytime I came to work he would send me home. I am starting to realize that this is going to be an ongoing post, so with that being sad I'm going to end this one at this point, Jason didn't hate me after all, I later learned why "I" thought he hated me. I'll have the next portion in a few hours, days who knows.

First Thoughts

You will see that my punctuation sucks on here, but thats how I do it.